While acupuncture can be an intimidating treatment at first, especially for those afraid of needles, the benefits are well worth it! Acupuncture therapy has numerous advantages and can be both soothing and relaxing. It is a centuries-old treatment that has been shown to be effective. To get the most out of acupuncture therapy and reap the benefits of treatment, keep the following points in mind:
Acupuncture works by directing the body's energies (called Qi) in specific directions. Because Qi is produced by the food you eat, if you haven't been eating well or have skipped meals, you will have less Qi or energy, to begin with. When you have food in your stomach, you have more Qi or energy to use, making the acupuncture treatment more effective.
Having alcohol, caffeine, depressants, or drugs beforehand means that your body has been stimulated when it should be relaxing and allowing Qi to flow.
Acupuncture works by increasing adenosine production in the brain, which is a chemical compound that performs signaling functions. During an acupuncture treatment, adenosine helps you relax, feel calm, and rested. On the other hand, caffeine inhibits the production of this chemical compound, so having that skinny latte beforehand is not a good idea.
Large or greasy meals should also be avoided because they can irritate your stomach and make it difficult to relax during your acupuncture session. Large and greasy meals, as well as large drinks, alcohol, caffeine, depressants, or drugs, are strictly prohibited at least 12 hours before and 2 hours after your acupuncture treatment.
Nothing is worse than arriving late and stressed for treatment. Arriving on time for treatment ensures that you get the most out of your acupuncture session, that the needles have time to 'do their work,' and that your body has had time to relax and release the chemicals required to improve your health and wellbeing. Please do yourself a favor and allow enough time to arrive!
Arriving early will also allow you to complete your forms. Make certain that you provide accurate and detailed information about any other treatments you're using. You should also inform your acupuncturist about any previous acupuncture aftereffects.
Imagine lying on the treatment table or sitting comfortably in a chair, allowing the acupuncture needles to do their work, feeling relaxed and calm, almost in a dream-like state, when your phone rings! Yes, the demands of daily life will continue after treatment, but show yourself some consideration and care by turning off the phone while you are in treatment.
Your acupuncture treatment is a time for you to focus on yourself without any pressure or demands, and when was the last time you had the opportunity to do so? Remember, you're getting acupuncture to relax, so avoid anything that might distract you or make you uncomfortable, including tight clothing. Tight clothing will restrict your movement and make you uncomfortable. Wear loose-fitting clothing instead.
This does not preclude you from doing anything physical after acupuncture, but it is preferable to do something less strenuous if possible because, during acupuncture treatment, your body's energies are directed to specific parts of your body to heal and rebalance. Strenuous activity almost distracts the energies that have been directed elsewhere and stops the desired effects of acupuncture.
In everyday language, this is referred to as "lifestyle advice," but it is referred to as "the three free therapies in Chinese medicine." This means that your acupuncturist will also provide you with the support and knowledge you need to make changes in your life. Nutrition, exercise, and relaxation are the three therapies. Take your acupuncturist's advice because they understand the importance of nourishing food, appropriate exercise, and personalized relaxation methods.
Consider acupuncture as a process rather than individual treatment. Many people asked, "Does acupuncture work?" We always talk about strategic scheduling or a series of sessions over a period of time.
When we see a new patient, we use acupuncture more frequently and for a shorter period of time to trigger the changes needed in the body to rebalance and heal. As the body responds to acupuncture and the compound effect, we increase the time between treatments and decrease the number of sessions to wean the body off as it improves.
Make an appointment for Acupuncture Therapy at Komp Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic.
Acupuncture relieves pain in the body and even treats disorders such as anxiety and sleep problems. Acupuncture, which dates back about 2000 years, can also help women who are having fertility problems. It works and has helped millions of other women through the ages.
Contact Komp Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic in Omaha, NE, today for a consultation and an appointment with one of our professionals to get the best acupuncture treatment results.
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